Dec 18, 2012

Facebook Snapchat-like Feature Soon to Win Users Hearts

I am not familiar with this app called Snapchat but after I checked it out, I see the reason why Facebook is setting gears in motion to create the same for their users.

What is Snapchat?

Snapchat is a photo-messaging service that allows users to send photos that is set to self-destruct after a specific period, say 1-2 minutes.

You might ask, what is the point of taking a picture and sending it to someone only to destroy it right after?

Apparently, these photos are not taken from a reunion, a church service or anything that includes a common courtesy for decency.

In fact, the practice of using Snapchat is often referred to as “Sexting,” as users commonly use the service to exchange nude photos of each other. If you were bold enough for a fleeting moment and shared a photo of yourself unclothed, would you like Snapchat to archive it for future use? No way!

Facebook and Photos

With the way photos are overflowing on our Facebook archive, it is plain to see where Facebook is heading with this plan of a photo-messaging self-destructing service. Not that Facebook is going into the sexy and shady side of the business (if you know what I mean) but my guess is that Facebook is trying to steal Snapchat users and make them prefer the social network to it.

Think of it, if Snapchat users know about Facebook rolling out the same feature and with their friends all on the site, they will no doubt jump ship in a matter of seconds, leaving Snapchat bereft of users.

The day that this photo-messaging service rolls out will be the doomsday for Snapchat. It seems like Facebook is extending its arms trying to usurp every working and successful app service it can get its hands on.

Will you use this feature once it is available on Facebook? Or do you find this Snapchat-like photo-messaging service disturbing?



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Dec 14, 2012

Pope's First Tweet Bombarded With Questions

"Dear friends, I am pleased to get in touch with you through Twitter. Thank you for your generous response. I bless all of you from my heart.” - Pope Benedict XVI on Twitter

Wednesday, 12-12-12, is a memorable day not because it is composed of a series of 12’s that our generation may not encounter again but because the day marked the first tweet of Pope Benedict XVI.

Twitter indeed is a powerful medium if Hollywood celebrities, the U.S President and now the Pope are using it to communicate and reach out to their fans, voters and people respectively.

But as things go and human nature dictates, people are so full of questions that are bursting to be asked.

Now that the right person is on the line, people couldn’t be helped and so the series of inquisition started being thrown at the Pope’s Twitter handle @Pontifex using the hashtag #AskPontifex.

 Will you tweet to the Pope as well? Follow Pope Benedict XVI on Twitter @Pontifex.

Dec 13, 2012

Facebook Improves Privacy Setting – Allows Users to Take Down Photos

Before I was like dissing about how Instagram has turned wayward against Twitter by pulling out from the Twitter cards integration. Now since I exhausted that social media news that was not really a big deal at all.

The flavor of the day is Facebook and their plans for new privacy setting tweaks that they will be rolling out one of these days. 

Apparently, the new tweaks allow Facebook users to take down embarrassing photos owned by friends on the site. How does that work? No, it’s not simply untagging yourself. That does not work because even when you untag yourself your photos will still be appearing on your friends’ timeline. So it’s still there in all it’s shameful glory.

Facebook now has presented the ultimate solution that is better than untagging – a form letter to ask Facebook users to take down photos.

That’s it???

What happens when the owner of the photos don’t want to take it down? What can Facebook do then?
Hmm not really sure about that. I bet this scenario has not come up to any discussion. Well, you can always block the person, but what purpose will it serve? Your face is still on his or her photo gallery.

The real great thing about this privacy update is its accessibility. Now users have privacy shortcuts on every page of their Facebook, so we all can edit our privacy settings quite easily.

This is pretty much big news to noobs who do not know where is where on Facebook. What do you think?

Dec 11, 2012

BRM POV: Twitter Releases Own Instagram-like Photo Editing Features

Yesterday I tackled about the somewhat strained relationship of two great networks patronized by many netizens (internet citizens).

Let’s have a little recap: Instagram just pissed off Twitter by suddenly disabling photo sharing integration with Twitter cards.  Yep. Because of that, people have to go through Instagram to see the photos shared on

Twitter since all they will see on the micro-blog is either a cropped photo or a link.

Instagram is a bit of a meanie by suddenly pulling that stunt.

Well, news is out! Twitter is launching own photo filters that are Instagram-like. In fact, Twitter has introduced this feature today. See, the rumor is true; the site is actually cooking up something.

This makes me think that perhaps Instagram got wind of their plans so they took the first drastic step of challenging Twitter.

Check out this YouTube video to see what I mean.

Buy Real Marketing likes the fact that Twitter is holding their own with all this stuff. I am not really a fan of Instagram. I can’t really understand the big deal about this Instagram and photo filters. It’s not as if you can’t find photo filter features around the web.

I apologize if I offended anyone with this. Maybe you can help me understand the merit of Instagram compared to other applications having the same feature.

Anyway, if you don’t want to get in the middle of this photo crossfire, perhaps you can either leave Instagram or Twitter and settle where you are most comfortable at.

What do you think?

Leave your thoughts out on the comment section below or you can share this POV (points of view) to your friends, if you think the same.

Dec 10, 2012

BRM POV: Instagram Pulls Support for Photos on Twitter

Last Wednesday (December 5, 2012), Instagram moves to pull users away from Twitter and experience enhanced photo sharing on their website instead.

Imagine my surprise when I saw Instagram photos cropped and displayed in an off manner. It’s a million dollar question why, until Instagram released a statement of how they are disabling the integration of Twitter cards that allows Instagram photos to be perfectly showcased on Twitter site.

What do you think of this move? Is it selfish or justified?

Well, in my case I would say that it is justified. You see, Instagram is not part of Twitter, in fact it is owned by Twitter’s long time rival, Facebook. So I think people already see it coming when news broke about Facebook buying Instagram and millions of its users.

But this inevitable conclusion still did not prepare users on the sudden turn of events that have disappointed millions of Twitter and Instagram users. Even Buy Real Marketing had a hard time adjusting to these changes. This abrupt move will get Twitter followers complaining and whining to Instagram, I bet.

Kevin Systrom, Instagram chief executive, claimed that it has agreed to partner with Twitter to boost their web presence but now that they have improved their website, they won’t be needing Twitter’s aid anymore.

According to him, "[Users can] engage with Instagram content through likes, comments and hashtags. Now we believe the best experience is for us to link back to where the content lives."

What? In a blink of an eye, they decided they don’t need Twitter? Who’s to say Twitter will not create their own photo-sharing experience like Instagram? Well, that is not a foregone conclusion because in fact, rumor has it that Twitter is actually cooking up something similar.

What do you think? Is another rivalry on the wind? Before we have like Facebook, Twitter and Google plus, now we have Instagram as well? Never mind the fact that this photo-sharing platform is owned by the giant network site Facebook.

If you want to have a say on the matter, don’t skip the comment section and give your two cents about this matter.

And share of course.

Want more tips, strategies and updates about social media? Check out Buy Real Marketing blog.

Sep 19, 2012

How To Be A Famous Music Artist Online

People love to sing though they don't have the voice and some are just gifted and got a really good voice, the reason why Youtube has full of music videos from very talented musicians.

While some people sing, some don't have that talent but they got the instruments that can make a voice very powerful - one reason why a good song is created.

But there are lots of music stuff that can be used to make a good song. Most of these them are taking efforts to share their talents through Youtube, Vimeo, Soundcloud and other social media sites where the music lovers can be. But one of the hardest part of it is how they promote it to become viral.

This is what we're going to talk about here. We'll teach you simple steps to market your music videos.

Personality - Confidence and good personality of a musician is a big factor why people subscribe on your videos. Though this is not what people notice at first but if you got the powerful voice that makes stun while listening to your song, and got the killer looks that makes them fall in love while watching you sing, they'll be curious about you and your personal stuff. 

The personality of popular musicians I know are humble, have self-respect, witty, smart, appreciative, and true to their selves. This is what people admire for most of our legendary musicians in the industry and you can see them until now, shining and kicking. And if you got these personalities, you'll capture them wholly and will for sure subscribe in any videos that you make for them even until you go to other dimension of life (sounds exaggerated but true).

Persistent and Interactive - Sometimes showing yourself once or twice to the public is not enough because of growing numbers of talented people who wants to become like you - popular. The only way you can make yourself visible to people without annoying them is to be interactive to your audience. Show them how you made the videos, your obstacles while you made them and how you make it through. I promise, they're going to appreciate it. It's also the best way to know them more about you - show them not only the best in you but also your faults because it's one thing that they admire most, a strong and real person behind a beautiful song they're listening to.

Creativity and Uniqueness - You notice there are lots of songs out there but there are only few that really survive? The reason is, they didn't use their creativity to make a unique one. Raps, RnB, HipHop, Alternative and other genre we hear everywhere and most of them have the same tune, almost same voice and same style... those are lame ones and only few subscribes them (too rude to say but the reality), not unless you created a very special effects on your video that makes them hooked to it (but that's still categorized as creativity but in visual side). Even if one person is only in love with one genre, this person also wants to hear different twists on the songs of that kind of music to not bore themselves. 

Creativeness is not only to improve the tunes, but also the lyrics, style and video effects. But find out what people likes on your videos and know the commonalities of those and don't change anything on it but make it as your best ingredients for your next songs.

Social Sharing - While others are busy listening to other songs on Youtube, Souncloud and other tools, they didn't notice the launching of yours. What you can do to make them hear the best of you, you should learn how to socialize. People are in Facebook, Twitter, Google +, even in Youtube and other social networking sites. Look for them on FB groups, #hashtags, G+ groups and other communities and join them where your most audience is dwelling and introduce yourself. Interact with them and share them what you've got! In that way, if they like it, they'll share it to their friends and friends of their friends and your music video will become very viral. That's the time you can say to yourself that you are a certified FAMOUS in digital world.

Hope this helps!

And by the way, if you're interested to get a booster views on your Youtube videos, Souncloud or any other networks, just visit BuyRealMarketing. »»»

Aug 27, 2012

Bill Nye Is Not Dead Yet

He's now very trending on Twitter because of rumors that he's dead. Do you think Twitter should avoid trending like this? Cause it's nonsense.

Twitter Trending Today: "R.I.P. Bill Nye The Science Guy"


Follow BuyRealMarketing on Twitter
Follow Grace Arreza

Aug 16, 2012

Get 50% More In Any BuyRealMarketing Services Purchased

Something big is coming this weekend! And this would be the biggest deal we have ever given to our customers.

We know you are tired of joining contests and we at Buy Real Marketing think that you are all winners and you deserve a special prize…

Be part of our Weekend Promo Madness! And get 50 percent more quantity on our Twitter andYouTube services. Remember this would start and end on Saturday and Sunday…

Make sure you are up on the first ray of light this weekend. You don’t want to miss this awesome opportunity…Pay less and get more.

Everybody wins that’s for sure...

Source: BuyRealMarketing Email Updates

Aug 15, 2012

Happy Bday DJ Danger!

Wait, who? If you’ve been living under the rock, you might be clueless who the birthday shout out goes out to. Well, let’s try a different twist: Happy Birthday Joe Jonas! Now, how did that ring to ya?

Joseph Adam Jonas was born in Case Grande, Arizona on this day – August 15th. Joe started out strutting on the ramp of fame when he guest starred in an episode of a Nickelodeon show Hannah Montana along with his brothers Nick, Frankie and Kevin.

However, it was on the all-popular, chart-topping movie Camp Rock that the brothers solidified their presence as a pop stars rocking the band “Connect Three” on the Disney Channel original movie. Joe was able to reprise his role in the movie’s sequel Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam alongside Camp Rock’s darling Demi Lovato.

The Jonas Brothers filmed their own reality show Jonas Brothers: Living the Dream allowing their fans to tune in to their everyday lives on the band’s Look Me In The Eyes Tour. In 2010, Joe rose to become a solo artist and a year later released a full length album called Fastlife.

To this day, he’s been known as Dj Danger. Is it because of his tendency to break hearts?

Aug 7, 2012

Facebook Facing Criticisms

With users in every part of the world numbering to over 900 million and still going up, Facebook is no doubt the largest social media network in the World Wide Web. Although it has set its age limit for users to 18 years old, it is said that even children maintain account by posting fake ages and personal information. And since there is no way for Facebook management group to find out the true personal data of these minor users, young members continue to increase. Although most of these juvenile members are said to be using the site mostly for games only, the risk of their being exposed to adult content and posts remains. Herein then lies one of the privacy issues of Facebook, which doomsayers believe will eventually cause the downfall of this social media site.

Recent Site Changes

Very prominent on Facebook these days are the recent site changes on its applications and functions. One controversial alteration introduced early this year is the use of timeline, which has become mandatory in most accounts. Numerous members have been complaining that the new timeline altered their old privacy settings that some posts, which were meant to be private, have now become public. If the user is not aware of such modification, he will be caught off guard because then he will not think of checking his privacy options as he believes it is still on the same locked state as it was before the new timeline was introduced. This failure on the part of Facebook has gained a lot of flak from members, some of whom have threatened to leave the site forever due to this delicate security issue.

More Complaints

Facebook may have meant well when it started to incorporate somewhat drastic changes on the site. However majority of the users do not appreciate the sudden transformations especially because they were implemented with not much option for the members. Wall photos have splashed the newsfeeds with rants from disgruntled users, egging others to put up protests against Facebook admin for seemingly screwing up the old settings. On the other hand though, there are also users who easily adapted to the new set up, though their compliance may not absolutely mean they have no qualms against Facebook’s shortcomings.

Nuisance Applications

Another prominent glitch on Facebook is the nuisance applications that are practically shoved to the members though they are not up to use these features. Among these apps are game invites, video and site links and most importantly, the spam links that clutter and infect members’ accounts. When infected with these spam posts, users are advised to change their privacy setting including their passwords. This may work for a while but it can reoccur at any time and for this, Facebook seems to be helpless.
Further criticisms surface everyday from irked Facebook users and yet the site remains to be a strong and stalwart social media network. Social media watchers believe that while it is true Facebook cannot completely solve the problems of the site that cause dissatisfaction among members, the site has become a sort of necessary tool to many. Many say that despite some malfunctions, Facebook is here to stay and people will continue to get drawn to it. 

Aug 3, 2012

Simulating Olympic Videos on YouTube

With the wonders of technology and the presence of so many talented techie people around, the creation and production of great videos on YouTube no longer comes as surprise. If you are a YouTube follower, you are well aware that the channel abounds with videos of all kind – great or otherwise, which are crafted by creative people using the digital technique called simulation. With simulation you will note that special effects can be achieved through photography tricks and the like.

Simulated Olympic Videos

Recently, the holding of the 2012 Olympics in London has encouraged more YouTube account holders to simulate the Olympics opening ceremonies and other succeeding events to come up with amazing videos. When viewing these types of videos, the impact of the simulation effects result to a different feel that usually heightens the viewing experience. However some YouTube followers have raised the question about the authenticity of the said Olympic videos. Because of the special effects employed in the simulation, they feel there is an element of deceit because the actual action is somewhat altered through the simulation method. There may not be a problem though with simulating the opening ceremonies of the games because the combined spectacle of musical numbers, choreographed dance and other stunning numbers in the ceremonies are ideal subjects for video simulation. In fact, with simulation, the pageant will even be highlighted for greater visual effects.

Videos of Actual Competitions

As already pointed out earlier, the video of the opening ceremonies of the 2012 Olympics may be simulated for optimum visual results. However this may not apply to the main events such as swimming, gymnastics, track and field and others because the simulation method might jeopardize the conduct real event as it happened on its actual moment. Except perhaps when you want to achieve a special impact for, say, swimming, then you can, by all means put up a simulation video. This is usually done with archived games or those events, which have already concluded and ready to go to the files. YouTube users may want to work on the video and inject some artistic style on it by using slow motion, fast forward and stop motions, still photos and backdrop shots or whatever he wants to use to draw attention to the video.

Vimeo against YouTube

One fast rising Internet video channel aside from YouTube is Vimeo. If you browse on this site now you will notice that it has come up with simulation Olympics video. The videos are nice and cute and are good for entertainment and fun but they do not show the actual Olympics events as they actually happened. Anyhow, the purpose of the videos is not really to document the events but to present a fun alternative from the more serious video coverage on YouTube.
This year’s Olympics events are considered as the grandest games ever held since its founding in Greece many years ago. The grandeur of the events is even intensified with social media network coverage. YouTube is the best and most competent video channel that airs the events day by day. Whether or not the videos in this site are simulated, the channel still achieves its purpose of sharing with YouTube audience some quick snippets as well as completes visual accounts of the games. 

Jul 30, 2012

Most Tweeted London Olympics 2012 Event

As the 2012 Olympics event in London currently develops, reports on the ongoing events are posted live on social media networks especially Twitter. Those who seek updates on the latest results turn to Twitter to keep informed on the individual competitions. Because Twitter uses hashtags to categorize tweets according to topics and events, it is easy to get Twitter followers to keep track the outcome from various athletic matches in the Olympics.

Before the 2012 Olympics officially opened on July 27, 2012, announcements were focused on the ceremonies and general pre-assessments of the games. Now that the competitions are already transpiring, individual hashtags on each event have been put up. The number of followers and tweets on each event hashtag depends on the popularity of the respective games. It is common in every Olympic event that there are favorite key events and gymnastics and swimming competitions are among them.

On the first day of swimming competition itself, there were over one million tweets already and the figure is expected to go up to the last day of the event and even up to the time when medals will be awarded. These tweets however are collated all over the world, which means that every country has contributed to the total number of posts. From the charts published on the internet, it is apparent that United States Twitter users have posted the most updates in swimming events. This could be attributed to the fact that Michael Phelps, an American swimmer, figured as top contender in the last Olympics swimming events four years ago, hence most Americans are now all eyes on his performance in the 2012 competitions.

Next to swimming as favorite Olympics event is gymnastics. Men and women who vie for the medals in this event participate in various categories such as women’s vault, men’s vault, men’s horizontal bar, men and women’s all around tournament and the most popular category which is the free floor exercises. Another most watched event is track and field where European and American contenders usually come strongest.

With the days rolling by, the two-week 2012 Olympics in London will certainly enjoy more publicity through Twitter as medal count progresses among the top athletes. Currently, predictions on who shall dominate every event are already trending on the said social media network. Some people say these tweets are too early and preemptive of the actual results and they might influence judges’ decisions. However Olympics officials assure that no advance publicities on the results of the games will ever affect the decisions of the judges because there are technicalities to be followed.

Since Twitter often gets drawn into controversies with regard to baseless tweets from its users, such as Twitter follower rampage about NBC not showing a live coverage on the opening ceremony, the Olympics committee must have set strict guidelines on the judges and athletes. This could mean that they may have been disallowed to engage in social media interactions during the events. It can be considered a wise move, actually, and even if there is no such regulation set by the officials, every athlete and event judge must take it upon themselves to not mind media opinion on the events. As it should be, they must focus on the Olympic events while it is taking place to avoid unnecessary distractions. 

Jul 26, 2012

2012 Olympics: Greece’s Papachristou is Out

Twitter lets people say what’s on their mind quickly in 140 characters. There have been many times that controversial tweets were posted on the site that made some buzz online. Adding to the list is Voula Papachristou, a Greek triple jumper. The 23-year old athlete tweeted about the growing number of African immigrants in her country, which a lot of people found racist. Here’s what Papachristou posted on her Twitter account:

@papaxristoutj: With so many Africans in Greece … at least the West Nile mosquitos will eat homemade food!!!” Aside from this, she posted a comment made by Ilias Kasidiaris, a Greek politician, regarding the lenient policy of the country’s government when it comes to immigration.

Voula Papachristou

Reaction and Apologies

Papachristou’s post received comments and responses from several people who were offended by her tweet. She didn’t reply immediately to any of them until after a few days. She issued an apology on her account telling that she didn’t mean to offend anyone. Here’s the exact tweet she posted:

“I would like to express my heartfelt apologies for the unfortunate and tasteless joke I published on my personal Twitter account. I am very sorry and ashamed for the negative responses I triggered, since I never wanted to offend anyone, or to encroach human rights.”

The controversial post reached the Hellenic Olympic Committee, who deliberated the issue and even consulted with some of the members of the Parliament of their country.  The said committee is the Olympics Federation of Greece. The verdict, Papachristou was removed from Greece’s Olympic team. She was preparing in Athens to compete for the London Olympics 2012 and was about to go there in a week to represent the country when the decision to evict her from the team was made.

Reason for Removing Papachristou from the Team

Aside from the racial issues on the tweet, the committee didn’t want any problems with the anti-racism groups that may show their protests on the game, if Papachristou was still in their team. The sponsors for the country’s team for the Olympics may not like this and may cost them their support. Because of the financial challenges that the economy of the country had been facing, corporate sponsors made possible the funding for Greece’s Olympics team. According to the official statement released by the Committee, Papachristou was removed from the Olympics team of Greece because of her tweets, which opposed the Olympic movement’s ideas and values.

Papachristou may have been sorry for her remarks but it was too late. It already cost her the chance to join in the biggest sports competition of the year. The Olympics is considered the biggest event for athletes. This is what every sportsman dreams of as it serves as the pinnacle of their career. Joining the Olympics does not only give them the chance to be known in their field of sports, but most importantly, they will be able to represent their country and bring pride and glory to their nation. Words when written or spoken cannot be taken back. So everyone must be careful with what they say or write, especially on popular sites like Twitter, as this may backfire on them. 

Jul 25, 2012

Google Panda 3.9 Update Released, Are You Keeping Calm?

Here’s the sweetest breaking news today for webmasters and site owners out there:

Google is all set to open up the vaults again and install Panda 3.9 updates to the algorithm. The schedule says “later tonight”, the 24th of July as revealed by an official tweet.  In this time of writing, the update is currently happening.

The Panda update was officially rolled out last in February of 2011 and Google has been incrementally refreshing its search algorithms as supplements to the initial update done last year. The SEO community has been counting tabs and now we’re on the 3.9 refresh.

Sentiments Vary

We’ve got our finger on the pulse of the web developers and the SEO community as a whole regarding this statement released by Google. 

Tonight the web is silent. There’s nary a sound to be heard except for the occasional hush about the announcement which have already spread throughout the search communities and put everyone vigilant.

Many websites who have been hit by the previous Panda and Penguin algorithmic changes, who have suffered de-indexing and lower rankings as well as a deep dive of plunging traffic flow of website visitors. Businesses and livelihoods build for many years have been toppled over like a house of cards, completely demolished. Cries of foul rang all over the internet including the premise that Google is out to destroy the SEO industry.

History aside, many who’ve been hit decided to look for ways to build everything from the ground straight up of what’s left of their businesses and site rankings. Webmasters and site owners have done extensive research about the nature and the target to these lovable updates, adapting strategies and correcting previous mistakes they’ve deliberately or unknowingly did in the past.

So in this current snapshot, people are trying to get back their glory pre-update. Now, just a month after the last Panda update, not counting the Penguin updates, we’re in for another wave again. Will it crumple the efforts people have done like paper? Or will it prove to be a reinforcing encouragement that websites are finally cut and shaped the way the search God want it?

“There’s a storm coming, Mr. Wayne.” The words of Selena in the movie The Dark Knight Rises reminds me of the calm this evening. Is it the kind of calm at the beginning of a storm?  

HowTo Become A Reseller And An Elite Reseller On BuyRealMarketing

A. Need to buy FUNDS of any amount 10 times from July 1st onwards. (When requirement is met, kindly get in touch with us so we can register your name under Elite Reseller Program)

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NOTE: Please know that these discounts does not include YouTube views prices.
SOURCE: BuyRealMarketing Client Portal » Click Here

Jul 24, 2012

How Small Businesses Can Go Beyond Branding Failure and Social Media Fear

No matter how ubiquitous the use of social media is and how entities like Forbes encourage its adaptation and use in business, it cannot be denied that many organizations are still fearful about the whole social shebang. The reluctance lies on the leaders and managers of these companies. According to the current Social Readiness Assessment by Gartner, business leaders are divided between the social media ready and the social media challenged. This attitude spreads to small business owners and managers too.
Note: Clicking the link above will take you to the assessment to find out if you’re social ready or getting there.
The assessment categorizes 6 attitudes leaders take towards social – Fusing, Forging, Formulating (being the three positive attitudes), Flippant, Fearful, and Folly (being the three negative attitudes). Executives and managers don’t consider social media as folly with only 1% responding it to be so, however, 35% of them feel fearful towards social media.

So Many Examples Of Fail That Leaders Are Threatened

Business executives and managers don’t want to be like the brands that failed big-time in social media and became a worldwide, internet laughstock. They’d rather embrace being a wallflower than risk a marketing misstep in the form of a social media error and lay that failure bare for the whole internet to see. They feel it would be very difficult to recover their brand image and reputation after that.
Their minds are littered with so many real-life instances of huge brands having social media “fail” moments that it masks the positive role of social media in marketing and brand building. Most organization heads still view social media as a threat – a threat to employee productivity, company security, privacy, management authority, and/or regulatory compliance.

The Danger in Fear

The feeling of being fearful towards social media, of being threatened by it, brings a particular trouble to many organizations and businesses big and small. More often than not, companies that take a fearful attitude towards social media don’t take a specific stance – they brush off the marketing strategy or set it aside while they’re yet to make up their minds while discouraging and going to great lengths as prohibiting its use by employees in the office.
Now while this approach greatly reduces the chances of leaks and undesirable behavior, it also hugely mutes any business value obtained from engaging in social media.

What Social Media Marketing Really Is

The willingness of small businesses to forego the positive results of social media in branding and marketing, their fearful reluctance to adapt social media strategies in marketing can be overcome by getting back on track and putting on a clearer head on the issue.
A lot of the confusion that ultimately leads to fear stems from the concept that social media is advertising. While that may be true, it holds a very small part in the whole bucket. Social media is first and foremost PUBLIC RELATIONS.
The power that drives a social media marketing strategy and/or tactic is the people. Without understanding people, any social strategy adapted by any company is deemed to fail. Getting Twitter followers, Facebook fans, YouTube views and other social communities is just half the story. The other half is the most essential part and that is, connecting with these people.

Jul 20, 2012

Race to Win Thousands of Followers, Views and Plays!

Hey Guys! Want to know what is up?

Buy Real Marketing is giving away another profitable offer! Due to the overwhelming response on our previous contests and the launching of the Reseller Program, we would like to give back and show you our appreciation!

Win These Big Prizes from a Single Package

A package consisting the following:

30,000 YouTube views
10,000 Vimeo views
2,000 SoundCloud plays

Interested? Find Out How to Join...

1. The first ten resellers to load $100 worth of credits to their reseller account on July 23, 2012 will win.

2. Winners will receive an email or a call providing you with instructions on how to claim your prize.

Inviting everyone to join our Reseller Program to qualify for the race; you only need to place 5 orders from July 1st onwards to become a reseller and join the $100 Credit Race game for the chance to win great prizes! All current resellers are already eligible to join the race.

All credits loaded into your account can be used by you to purchase our services at no extra cost to you. That’s right; you get to keep all your money and your prizes to boot.

 Exclusive for Resellers…for Now

The race is currently available to resellers but if you want to be a part of these special and frequent offerings from Buy Real Marketing, sign up on our client portal, make several purchases and register for the Reseller status! It’s that easy.

Race to Win Thousands of Followers, Views and Plays is one of the many games and promos we have in store for our clients.

Good Luck!