Dec 14, 2012

Pope's First Tweet Bombarded With Questions

"Dear friends, I am pleased to get in touch with you through Twitter. Thank you for your generous response. I bless all of you from my heart.” - Pope Benedict XVI on Twitter

Wednesday, 12-12-12, is a memorable day not because it is composed of a series of 12’s that our generation may not encounter again but because the day marked the first tweet of Pope Benedict XVI.

Twitter indeed is a powerful medium if Hollywood celebrities, the U.S President and now the Pope are using it to communicate and reach out to their fans, voters and people respectively.

But as things go and human nature dictates, people are so full of questions that are bursting to be asked.

Now that the right person is on the line, people couldn’t be helped and so the series of inquisition started being thrown at the Pope’s Twitter handle @Pontifex using the hashtag #AskPontifex.

 Will you tweet to the Pope as well? Follow Pope Benedict XVI on Twitter @Pontifex.

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