Dec 18, 2012

Facebook Snapchat-like Feature Soon to Win Users Hearts

I am not familiar with this app called Snapchat but after I checked it out, I see the reason why Facebook is setting gears in motion to create the same for their users.

What is Snapchat?

Snapchat is a photo-messaging service that allows users to send photos that is set to self-destruct after a specific period, say 1-2 minutes.

You might ask, what is the point of taking a picture and sending it to someone only to destroy it right after?

Apparently, these photos are not taken from a reunion, a church service or anything that includes a common courtesy for decency.

In fact, the practice of using Snapchat is often referred to as “Sexting,” as users commonly use the service to exchange nude photos of each other. If you were bold enough for a fleeting moment and shared a photo of yourself unclothed, would you like Snapchat to archive it for future use? No way!

Facebook and Photos

With the way photos are overflowing on our Facebook archive, it is plain to see where Facebook is heading with this plan of a photo-messaging self-destructing service. Not that Facebook is going into the sexy and shady side of the business (if you know what I mean) but my guess is that Facebook is trying to steal Snapchat users and make them prefer the social network to it.

Think of it, if Snapchat users know about Facebook rolling out the same feature and with their friends all on the site, they will no doubt jump ship in a matter of seconds, leaving Snapchat bereft of users.

The day that this photo-messaging service rolls out will be the doomsday for Snapchat. It seems like Facebook is extending its arms trying to usurp every working and successful app service it can get its hands on.

Will you use this feature once it is available on Facebook? Or do you find this Snapchat-like photo-messaging service disturbing?



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Dec 14, 2012

Pope's First Tweet Bombarded With Questions

"Dear friends, I am pleased to get in touch with you through Twitter. Thank you for your generous response. I bless all of you from my heart.” - Pope Benedict XVI on Twitter

Wednesday, 12-12-12, is a memorable day not because it is composed of a series of 12’s that our generation may not encounter again but because the day marked the first tweet of Pope Benedict XVI.

Twitter indeed is a powerful medium if Hollywood celebrities, the U.S President and now the Pope are using it to communicate and reach out to their fans, voters and people respectively.

But as things go and human nature dictates, people are so full of questions that are bursting to be asked.

Now that the right person is on the line, people couldn’t be helped and so the series of inquisition started being thrown at the Pope’s Twitter handle @Pontifex using the hashtag #AskPontifex.

 Will you tweet to the Pope as well? Follow Pope Benedict XVI on Twitter @Pontifex.

Dec 13, 2012

Facebook Improves Privacy Setting – Allows Users to Take Down Photos

Before I was like dissing about how Instagram has turned wayward against Twitter by pulling out from the Twitter cards integration. Now since I exhausted that social media news that was not really a big deal at all.

The flavor of the day is Facebook and their plans for new privacy setting tweaks that they will be rolling out one of these days. 

Apparently, the new tweaks allow Facebook users to take down embarrassing photos owned by friends on the site. How does that work? No, it’s not simply untagging yourself. That does not work because even when you untag yourself your photos will still be appearing on your friends’ timeline. So it’s still there in all it’s shameful glory.

Facebook now has presented the ultimate solution that is better than untagging – a form letter to ask Facebook users to take down photos.

That’s it???

What happens when the owner of the photos don’t want to take it down? What can Facebook do then?
Hmm not really sure about that. I bet this scenario has not come up to any discussion. Well, you can always block the person, but what purpose will it serve? Your face is still on his or her photo gallery.

The real great thing about this privacy update is its accessibility. Now users have privacy shortcuts on every page of their Facebook, so we all can edit our privacy settings quite easily.

This is pretty much big news to noobs who do not know where is where on Facebook. What do you think?

Dec 11, 2012

BRM POV: Twitter Releases Own Instagram-like Photo Editing Features

Yesterday I tackled about the somewhat strained relationship of two great networks patronized by many netizens (internet citizens).

Let’s have a little recap: Instagram just pissed off Twitter by suddenly disabling photo sharing integration with Twitter cards.  Yep. Because of that, people have to go through Instagram to see the photos shared on

Twitter since all they will see on the micro-blog is either a cropped photo or a link.

Instagram is a bit of a meanie by suddenly pulling that stunt.

Well, news is out! Twitter is launching own photo filters that are Instagram-like. In fact, Twitter has introduced this feature today. See, the rumor is true; the site is actually cooking up something.

This makes me think that perhaps Instagram got wind of their plans so they took the first drastic step of challenging Twitter.

Check out this YouTube video to see what I mean.

Buy Real Marketing likes the fact that Twitter is holding their own with all this stuff. I am not really a fan of Instagram. I can’t really understand the big deal about this Instagram and photo filters. It’s not as if you can’t find photo filter features around the web.

I apologize if I offended anyone with this. Maybe you can help me understand the merit of Instagram compared to other applications having the same feature.

Anyway, if you don’t want to get in the middle of this photo crossfire, perhaps you can either leave Instagram or Twitter and settle where you are most comfortable at.

What do you think?

Leave your thoughts out on the comment section below or you can share this POV (points of view) to your friends, if you think the same.

Dec 10, 2012

BRM POV: Instagram Pulls Support for Photos on Twitter

Last Wednesday (December 5, 2012), Instagram moves to pull users away from Twitter and experience enhanced photo sharing on their website instead.

Imagine my surprise when I saw Instagram photos cropped and displayed in an off manner. It’s a million dollar question why, until Instagram released a statement of how they are disabling the integration of Twitter cards that allows Instagram photos to be perfectly showcased on Twitter site.

What do you think of this move? Is it selfish or justified?

Well, in my case I would say that it is justified. You see, Instagram is not part of Twitter, in fact it is owned by Twitter’s long time rival, Facebook. So I think people already see it coming when news broke about Facebook buying Instagram and millions of its users.

But this inevitable conclusion still did not prepare users on the sudden turn of events that have disappointed millions of Twitter and Instagram users. Even Buy Real Marketing had a hard time adjusting to these changes. This abrupt move will get Twitter followers complaining and whining to Instagram, I bet.

Kevin Systrom, Instagram chief executive, claimed that it has agreed to partner with Twitter to boost their web presence but now that they have improved their website, they won’t be needing Twitter’s aid anymore.

According to him, "[Users can] engage with Instagram content through likes, comments and hashtags. Now we believe the best experience is for us to link back to where the content lives."

What? In a blink of an eye, they decided they don’t need Twitter? Who’s to say Twitter will not create their own photo-sharing experience like Instagram? Well, that is not a foregone conclusion because in fact, rumor has it that Twitter is actually cooking up something similar.

What do you think? Is another rivalry on the wind? Before we have like Facebook, Twitter and Google plus, now we have Instagram as well? Never mind the fact that this photo-sharing platform is owned by the giant network site Facebook.

If you want to have a say on the matter, don’t skip the comment section and give your two cents about this matter.

And share of course.

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